Things That Feel Like Poems
In honor of my birthday and National Poetry Month, I’ve decided to share a few things that feel like poems to me. Yes, classically, a poem is “written.” But once you have stepped into a poetic life, a life of sensual pleasure, a life of noticing small things, everything suddenly has the potential to be a poem. Things like…
*an artfully plated meal with equally exquisite flavors
*wandering around at golden hour and seeing beautiful homes, people laughing in the windows
*the whip of salty breeze as you walk Land’s End
*pigeons sharing crumbs at the park
*the way a silk dress feels when it falls over my shoulders and onto my bare skin
*a man’s shy smile as he looks at me from across the table
*the scent of my lover on the pillow in the morning
*steam rising from a cup of tea, caught in the sun and swirling
*cats purring on my chest
*the smell of old books
*the sensation of your hand on my lower back, getting my attention to show me something at the museum
*the curve of a ballerina’s foot en pointe
*the scent of sex and sweat clinging in the air when we’re done
*a kiss, where we close our eyes, forget where we are for a moment, and open them as if for the first time
What reminds you of poetry? Shall we write one together?